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Date: 13. June 2025
@ Impact Hub Zürich
Theme: Path for an Inclusive Economy
We are creating another fabulous event for you in 2025. More information, presenters, agenda details, workshops and practices at the day will be published soon. If you would like to contribute, present or participate with the community of our events at a deeper level reach out to us .
Regenerative Living 2022-2024
Regular Sponsors and Supporters

Testimonials from Previous Events
Martha Velasco
“Hola, Karime, el viernes no pude despedirme. Muchas gracias por el grandioso evento que has organizado! 🥰👏🏽."
Jan Maisenbacher
"Dear Karime
It was a good decision to come yesterday, I felt like I wanted at the evening.
Not tired, but totally alive and in joy. "
Cristian Buruiana
“Olá Karime! Pleasure to meet you and attend your lovely event this Friday. I felt very inspired and connected with wonderful people & ideas...”
Philipp Ullmann
“Hi Karime It was beautiful event last Friday, thank you very much to let me take part. So I was able to learn new things and to met great new humans."
Caroline Stern
"Oi Karime
O evento ontem foi "Mara". Adorei."
Símon Aurel Schwarzt
“Yesterday i had the honour to photo document a super inspiring event on #regenerativeliving organized by Karime Abib from AdvantiKA GmbH - Responsible Results at Impact Hub Zürich. Im touched by the care of the presenters and participants for our planet and their creativity and will power to take action for protecting and securing our livelihood.
Thanks Organilicious D. Levy Hoffmann/ Miso Cute Cooking for the amazing food and the presenters from @empathiestadtzürich (@annebelle_ehmann) Restor, HofLabor, Mosaik Design AG, GEN - Global Ecovillage Network, goodcarbon, @koopernikus, Patagonia and many more for the inspiring Sessions!”
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