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Early Bird Tickets until the 28th of February, depending on availability.

Self-Reflection, System Thinking, Nature Connectedness


Being - Thinking - Relating - Collaborating - Acting

Retreat Dates: September 21-23th, 2025

About the Retreat

Theme: SHINE - Stillness, Horizon, Insight, Navigation, Engagement


This leadership-for-change booster is designed to equip professionals and leaders with the skills and mindset needed to navigate complexity, foster resilience, and drive impactful change. The 2025 Leading the Change retreat invites you to reconnect with your inner self, nature, and a like-minded community, building the foundation for impactful and sustainable leadership.

This retreat follows the SHINE framework—Stillness, Horizon, Insight, Navigation, and Engagement—guiding participants through a structured experience that fosters mindfulness, systemic thinking, and actionable leadership growth based on the INNER DEVELOPMENT GOALS.—covering Being, Thinking, Relating, Collaborating, and Acting—and emphasizes mindfulness, empathy, and systemic thinking. Through guided activities, self-reflection, and group dynamics, participants will leave with enhanced leadership skills and a renewed sense of purpose.

SHINE Framework Highlights

Mindfulness Practices - Stillness: Mindfulness practices include meditation, visualization, and a deep connection to nature.

Ontological Learning - Horizon: Expanding perspectives through possibility creation, exploring moods, language and deep listening for enhanced leadership communication for effectiveness.

Systemic Problem Solving - Insight: Applying systemic thinking tools to understand and address complexity in leadership and sustainability.

Empathetic Leadership - Navigation: Strengthening trust and collaboration through conflict resolution, effective communication, and co-creation techniques.

Call to Action - Engagement: Translating insights into a committed action plan, using creativity, and mobilising tools for impact.

WHO Should Attend

This retreat is tailored for:

Leaders and aspiring leaders committed to personal and professional growth.

Individuals ready to explore their inner compass and embrace new leadership methodologies.

Those seeking a supportive community of changemakers.

WHY Attend

Effective Leading Self-Awareness: Connect with your inner self and nature, fostering resilience and clarity.

Enhanced Leadership Skills: Acquire tools to lead with empathy and innovation.

Consequential Collaborative Foundations: Develop trust and connection with others.

Setting Up Action: Translate insights into practical steps for impactful leadership.

Small Group - Personalized Coaching - Group Discussions


Why Join the 2025 Edition? What's New in 2025?

This year’s retreat builds upon the success of the 2024 edition with several key improvements:

1. A Streamlined Structure: The SHINE Framework

  • 2024: Focused primarily on mindfulness, leadership skills, and nature connection.

  • 2025: Introduces the SHINE framework—Stillness, Horizon, Insight, Navigation, Engagement—a progressive journey from self-awareness to purposeful action. Each phase builds on the last, ensuring participants leave with a clear path forward.


2. Expanded Ontological Practices

  • 2024: Introduced the fundamentals of empathetic communication and relational leadership.

  • 2025: Deep dives into ontological moods, ontological language, and empathetic listening. new workshops on conflict resolution and trust-building.


3. Enhanced Focus on Systemic Problem-Solving

  • 2024: Included general leadership exercises with a focus on mindfulness and resilience.

  • 2025: Adds systemic thinking tools and cognitive methods for tackling complex problems. Participants will engage in practical frameworks to address real-world challenges.  


4. A Call to Action: From Insight to Implementation

  • 2024: Participants reflected on their learnings but left implementation up to their own initiative.

  • 2025: Concludes with Engagement, where participants translate insights into action through creativity, commitment, and mobilization strategies.

5. Tailored Mindfulness Experiences

  • 2024: Standard mindfulness sessions combining meditation and nature walks.

  • 2025: A more diverse mix, including guided visualization, immersive nature-connectedness practices, and body movement exercises aligned with the SHINE phases for deeper impact.

From Evolution to Elevation: The 2025 IDG Leadership Retreat Improves

Records and Takeaways 

Booklet and Journaling

The participant booklet will include:

Daily Journaling Prompts: To capture insights and reflections.

Nature Connection Activities: Guided instructions for immersion exercises.


Tools and Frameworks: On ontological moods, language, systemic thinking, and visualization.

Commitment Page: A structured section for participants to outline their personal and professional goals post-retreat with an outlined plan.

Inner Development Goals: Insights and tools overview and links.

Inspirational Quotes and Space for Free Writing.


Non-Profit Philosophy - Intimate Setting - World-Class Facilitation - IDG Framework

12 Plätze

Zum Selbstkostenpreis. Sie zahlen lediglich für die Deckung der Kosten. Preisunterschiede entstehen, wenn die Kosten aufgrund der mit Lieferanten vereinbarten Bedingungen steigen.

Der Preis beinhaltet zwei Übernachtungen im Einzelzimmer mit eigenem Bad, alle Mahlzeiten – einschliesslich 4-Gänge-Menüs, Kaffeepausen, alle Retreat-Materialien und Kosten.

Early Bird Tickets until the 28th of February, depending on availability


Berglodge37 AG

Eggberge 13
6460 Altdorf

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Screenshot 06.03.2023 unter 16.13.22.png

Das Retreat findet in englischer Sprache statt


Simplified Agenda (subject to adjustments and changes)

Day 1: Arrival and Stillness (skills of mindfulness, self-awareness and nature connectedness enhancing the Being and Relating dimensions)

  • Arrival, Lunch, and Welcome

  • Opening Session: Journaling and booklet instructions and setting intentions

  • Mindfulness Activities: Guided meditation and nature-connection practices

  • Group Reflection: Introducing the WOOP framework


Day 2: Stillness, Horizon, Insight (skills of perspective, dialectical and complex thinking, relating and collaborating approaches and language enhancing 4 of the IDG dimensions)

  • Morning Movement and Meditation

  • IDG Overview: Exploring Being, Thinking, Relating, and Collaborating dimensions.

  • Ontological Moods: Reframing limiting Moods for leadership growth

  • Ontological Language: Exploring effective communication for leadership and collaboration

  • Collaboration Tools: System thinking, dialectical methods, and scaffolding frameworks

  • Conflict Resolution: Nonviolent Communication (NVC) and empathetic language in combination with ontological language practice


Day 3: Stillness, Navigation, Engagement (skills of creativity, mobilization enhancing the Acting dimension)

  • Morning Movement, Mindfulness and Goal Setting

  • Creativity Tools: Drawing for purpose (guided art exercise) followed by storytelling in connection with the WOOP Design

  • Mobilization Techniques: Planning with SMART goals and actionable commitments

  • Closing Circle: Art-Expo Feedback, reflections sharing and commitments.

2 Nights / 3 Days retreat for professionals and leaders of the now.

Main Facilitators / Organisers



Unsere Retreats sind gemeinnützig

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Warum machen wir das?​​

  • Weil wir können.

  • Weil wir glauben, dass es unsere Mission ist.

  • Weil wir glauben, dass wir eine bewusste und belastbare Führung brauchen, um unsere Welt in eine bessere Zukunft zu geleiten.

  • Weil Veränderung von innen beginnt.

Was bedeutet das?

Obwohl die AdvantiKA GmbH, Gastgeberin des IDG Swiss Business Hub, ein gewinnorientiertes Unternehmen für Beratung zu Nachhaltigkeitsthemen ist, werden das IDG-Retreat und viele der angebotenen Workshops zum Selbstkostenpreis Preis angeboten. Wir berechnen keine Gewinnspanne.

Wofür bezahlen Sie?

Sie zahlen die tatsächlich entstehenden Kosten wie zum Beispiel:

  • Ihre Unterkunft und Verpflegung auf angemessenem Komfort- und Qualitätsniveau an einem angenehmen Ort innerhalb nachhaltiger Parameter

  • Gebühren, die an Plattformen und Websites gezahlt werden, auf denen unsere Retreats angekündigt werden

  • Workshop-Materialien

  • Mehrwertsteuer und eventuell anfallende andere Steuern

  • Marketing- und Logistikkosten

  • Die Kosten für den Moderator

Was wird für Sie gesponsert?

Wir, die Veranstalter und Moderatoren, stellen als Sponsoring zur Verfügung:

  • Unsere Arbeit bei der Organisation des Retreats  (volle Stunden)

  • Unsere Arbeit zur Vorbereitung der Workshops und Aktivitäten (volle Stunden)

  • Unsere Zeit und Mühe

  • Hosting-Lizenzen und allgemeine Fixkosten

Was machen wir mit dem zusätzlichen Geld, das wir erhalten?

Wir bieten kostenlose oder gesponserte Workshops an und übernehmen die Kosten für den Veranstaltungsort und andere Kosten.

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